Our Mission
We believe business is about contribution. We believe it is the responsibility of each of us to leave the world a better place as a result of us having been here.
The Aylesbury Guide was set up to connect local residents with businesses interested in providing useful services. I was running a small business and unable to find a cost effective way of advertising in the area. It seemed appropriate that local businesses had the opportunity to talk about the services they provide too.
Charity support is important to us and we saw something in the WheelPower story which appealed to us. As a development of this we also got involved with the National Paralympic Heritage Trust and have set up I Have A Voice Too!, a dramatic arts charity for people with learning disabilities and special needs over the age of 21. However whenever possible we support other charities too.
As well as articles on businesses the Guide also contains articles deemed to be of interest to the local community and lists as many local events as possible.